Jennifer Lea Cohan is professionally shallow, a lifestyle publicist focused on food and hospitality, design and events. Help these boys stock up for a summer at The Woods with a gift certificate to Camper’s Cabin or North Face, or evena survival-style class from REI. Recreational Vehicle Gay Couple: You thought, like unicorns, they didn’t exist? But oh, honey they do, and they are stylish and handsome and, oh my God, sometimes even shop at Walmart for supplies (but only at the “nice” one in Deptford). Other ideas: a day trip to the Raven in New Hope an overnighter at the Chelsea in Atlantic City or a mid-winter trip to Asbury Park for special seasonal events. Offer an assist with an Amtrak or (for the budget-minded and wifi-obsessed) Bolt Bus ticket.
Center City Slut: Having hooked up with everyone in Philly twice over, this trick needs to broaden their horizons in New York.